Monday, December 10, 2012

Folding Architecture

                                                              My first folding project:

My second Folding project:

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Initial maquette:
I have been focussing on the interactive element of my project  by creating a structural system using rope and wooden pole. Although it was not yet  a 100%  functional system,working in this way has helped me to  create some innovative ideas which can be expanded upon to combine both form and function.

 as you can  see in the pictures I tried to build a two floor house without using
columns, and i succeed to make the house flexible

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Geometry is present in the world of nature, at any scale. Almost every form found in our physical environment —waves, clouds, galaxies, cells, bird wings, leaves, seashells.....follows geometrical configurations, either resembling the to familiar shapes of our elementary school geometry or more complex fractals and recursions. The understanding of the geometric rules and forms underlying natural forms can hold lessons for the design of the man made world. So the Nature is and always will  be the best source of examples of geometry or any other sciences for the us.

  Of the many shapes explored I choosed some examples of structure system in nature:
      1- Nautilus:


    I found the nautilus shell one of the most intriguing and valuable for structure system applications. The nautilus has a bone structure externalized in a shell, which is divided into chambers and delineated by septa.

   2- Tree:

The structural system adopted here is that of a tree-branch
The propagation of the branching system along the longitudinal section of the tree is differentiated in its growth along the transverse section.

   examples of Tree-branch system in our world:

        1. Tree grows in Mumbai.


                          ‘The Tote’ is a banquet hall, restaurant, and bar – designed by Serie Architecture – located in Mumbai.

          2.Stuttgart Airport.

                                        Location:  Stuttgart, Germany.